Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is our great honor and pleasure to invite you to actively participate in the 5th European Conference on Head and Neck Oncology that will be held in Poznan, Poland on April 18-21, 2012.
Following the objectives of the European Head and Neck Society, the intention of this congress is to promote exchange of knowledge in all aspects of head and neck neoplastic diseases, and to promote the highest standards of treatment, scientific achievements in clinical and basic research, education and training, disease prevention and patient care at the multidisciplinary level – among clinicians, health professionals, basic scientists and patients organisations involved in any aspect of Head and Neck Oncology.
Treatment of malignant tumors requires close co-operation between specialists from different medical disciplines and basic sciences.
Therefore, the support of an interdisciplinary approach in oncology is one of the main objectives of this conference.
During the 5th scientific meeting we would also like to put more emphasis on an active participation and promotion of recent achievements of young practitioners and scientists from Eastern and Central Europe. It is one of the reasons to keep the conference fee at the lowest possible level not exceeding € 300. Our intent is to make this target region more visible which we hope will initiate discussion on standardization and equilibrate the level of head and neck oncology throughout Europe.
In order to highlight the educational objective of the meeting, complimentary pre-conference courses will be also organized.
A conference can hardly be called successful without offering its participants an opportunity to relax after busy day. The rich offer of the restaurants of Poznań will cater for even the most demanding tastes. What should be recommended first are the specialties of local cuisines but delicious dishes of Greek, Italian, Chinese, or Japanese cusines are also easily available. . Numerous pubs and cafes located around the Old Market Square will guarantee unforgettable atmosphere.
In 2012 the eyes of whole Europe will be turned to Poznan. Football fans from all over the world will gather togheter to admir the UEFA EURO 2012 spectacle.
More information:
*Please note that last date for submission of abstract has been extended to November 30th, 2011.*