Flow Cytometry
The FC Unit conducts analyses employing flow cytometry which is the best method to assess immunophenotype (antigenic features) of particular cell populations. FC is an objective and reproducible method for identification and monitoring of:
- Cancer growth (particularly in the haematopoietic system)
- Reactive changes in (w lymphadenopathy, viral infections)
- Immunity disorders (primary and secondary)
- Effects of immunosuppressive therapy
- In diagnosis of infertility and alloimmune-related pregnancy loss.
Study material may include peripheral blood samples collected with anticoagulants, bone marrow collected with heparin, body fluids collected on a substrate containing 10% suspension of protein, such as albumin, lymph nodes in saline.
Badania wykonuje się od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach 7.25-15.00, V piętro, wejście A, pokój 5023.
Tests are taken Monday through Friday from 7:25 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., fifth floor, entrance A, room 5023. For more information on flow cytometry see http://wco.pl/co_i_jak_leczymy/cytometria-przeplywowa
Headed by
Aldona Kaczmarek, MD
Contact details
Tel. +48 (61) 88 50 676
Fax +48 (61) 88 50 596
Email : aldona.kaczmarek@wco.pl