• (+48 61) 885 05 00

Declaration of accessibility


This declaration contains information on adjustment of the www.wco.pl website to the regulations stipulated in Act on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of 4 April 2019 (Journal of Laws, 2019, item 848.) of public entities.
Greater Poland Cancer Centre undertakes the obligation to provide the accessibility of its website according to regulations stipulated in Act on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of 4 April 2019 (Journal of Laws, 2019, item 848.) of public entities. The declaration on accessibility is applicable to www.wco.pl website.


Date of website publication



Date of the latest update




Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologii (Greater Poland Cancer Centre)


Website address



Compliance status

The website is partially compliant with the regulations stipulated in Act on digital availability of websites and mobile applications and the European standard WCAG 2.1.AA due to non-compliance or exclusion regarding:
– multimedia materials on the website to which captions for the deaf people have been added (videos on the website and external services do not have captions for the deaf people as they had been published before the Act on digital availability came into force) – the captions are being added gradually,
– some of the documents are not fully accessible.
The declaration was completed based on self-assessment conducted by the public entity.
The website enables the use of keyboard shortcuts.


Completion date

The declaration was completed on: 2019-09-23
The declaration was completed based on self-assessment conducted by the public entity.


Feedback and contact details

In case of problems with the accessibility of our website, we kindly ask you to contact us.
You may contact person responsible at e-mail address at magdalena.rotter@wco.pl. You may also contact us by dialing +48 61-8850-634. You may also request for unavailable information and request demands ensuring the accessibility by contacting us by phone.


Complaint and application procedure

Everyone has the right to request for the digital accessibility of the website, mobile application or any of their elements. You may also request to be provided the information through an alternative access method, for example through reading the digitally unavailable document or by describing the content of the video without the audio description, etc. The request should contain a notifier’s data and the indication about which website or mobile application is in question and how to contact the notifier. If the notifier communicates the need to receive information via an alternative access method, he or she should specify a convenient way of providing the information requested. The public entity should realise the request, immediately, no later than within 7 days from the date of receiving the request. If meeting this deadline is not attainable, the public entity will immediately inform the notifier about the possible date to realise the request, but which shall in no case be longer than 2 months from the date of receiving the request. If ensuring the digital accessibility is not possible, the public entity will propose an alternative method of accessing the information. If a public entity refuses to realise the request to ensure the accessibility or an alternative method of access to the information, the notifier may make a complaint referring to ensuring the digital accessibility of the website, mobile application, or the element of website or mobile application. Once this procedure has been exhausted, the notifier may submit a request to Polish Ombudsman.

Each person with special needs benefiting from health services provided by the GPCC may also benefit from the following facilitations:

    • main driveways to hospital enable the access from the street to the GPCC for the wheelchair users,
    • driveways with light angles of inclination are additionally equipped with handrails in order to ensure safety and facilitate moving around.
    • hydraulic driveways are located near the steps for wheelchair users,
    • main entrance (from porter’s lodge) to the hospital opens automatically,
    • toilets for the disabled people are located in the main hallways and are equipped with additional devices facilitating keeping the hygiene for the disabled people – they are bigger than the standard toilets and have ergonomic handles,
    • each floor is equipped with toilets for the disabled people,
    • every lift in the hospital is adjusted by its size to the needs of wheelchair users; you may summon the lift by pressing a conveniently located button that is located lower than the standard ones,
    • you may find wheelchair at the porter’s lodge to be used by the disabled people,
    • parking spaces for the disabled people are designated in front of the main entrance to both buildings,
    • anti-slip surfaces are available on the premises of the GPCC,
    • you may enter the hospital with the assistance dog, the water for the dog will be served upon patient’s request,
    • multimedia guides for patients are located on the premises of the GPCC, amongst others ground plan, organisational information, personnel data, and announcements are also available in a voice format,
    • in case of emergency patients with special needs are provided with evacuation,
    • voice communication system is available in lifts.


Mobile applications
