• (+48 61) 885 05 00

Each person with special needs benefiting from health services provided by the GPCC may also benefit from the following facilitations:

    • main driveways to hospital enable the access from the street to the GPCC for the wheelchair users,
    • driveways with light angles of inclination are additionally equipped with handrails in order to ensure safety and facilitate moving around.
    • hydraulic driveways are located near the steps for wheelchair users,
    • main entrance (from porter’s lodge) to the hospital opens automatically,
    • toilets for the disabled people are located in the main hallways and are equipped with additional devices facilitating keeping the hygiene for the disabled people – they are bigger than the standard toilets and have ergonomic handles,
    • each floor is equipped with toilets for the disabled people,
    • every lift in the hospital is adjusted by its size to the needs of wheelchair users; you may summon the lift by pressing a conveniently located button that is located lower than the standard ones,
    • you may find wheelchair at the porter’s lodge to be used by the disabled people,
    • parking spaces for the disabled people are designated in front of the main entrance to both buildings,
    • anti-slip surfaces are available on the premises of the GPCC,
    • you may enter the hospital with the assistance dog, the water for the dog will be served upon patient’s request,
    • multimedia guides for patients are located on the premises of the GPCC, amongst others ground plan, organisational information, personnel data, and announcements are also available in a voice format,
    • in case of emergency patients with special needs are provided with evacuation,
    • voice communication system is available in lifts.