Lecture of prof. Jan J. Battermann from University in Utrecht, Netherlands - 18.12.2008
Dear Colleagues
I invite you for a lecture which will be present by Prof. Jan J.Battermann,
Chief of Department of Radiotherapy, from University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands.
The subject of a lecture:
"Permanent implants in prostate cancer brachytherapy"
Place: Auditory room, 6th floor in Greater Poland Cancer Centre, 15 Garbary Street, Poznan, Poland.
Time: 2.00 p.m to 2.30 p.m.
kind regards
Janusz Skowronek, MD, PhD, Ass. Prof.
The Official Opening of Brachytherapy Department, October 10th, Poznan, Poland
We present the programme of the Official Opening of Brachytherapy
Department planned on October 10th, 2008 as below.
We invite cordially.
Opening of Brachytherapy Department after repair
On 1st of October 2008 after general repair we open a part of Brachytherapy Department with Patient's rooms, Endoscopy Laboratory, Hyperthermia Laboratory and Brachytherapy Clinic.
By now we invite for Official Opening of Brachytherapy Department, which will take place on 10th of October.
Detailed programme will be published soon.
Janusz Skowronek
The “Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy” - Information for authors
In the end of 2008 webpage of our Journal will be ready. Till then we publish here information for authors.
The “Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy” - Editorial Office
Editorial Office of The “Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy” is placed in Great Poland Cancer Center, Poznan, Poland
The “Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy” - new Journal published in Poznan
The representatives of the Polish Brachytherapy Society and the Polish Study Group of Head and Neck Cancer, decided to create a common, easily available scientific journal that will be dedicated entirely to brachytherapy.
Brachytherapy patients treated in Greatpoland Cancer Center in 2007.
We treated in Greatpoland Cancer Center (in 2007) with all techiques of brachytherapy 1299 patients. It is the highest number of patients treated with brachytherapy in Poland.
Award winning presentation at Nucletron Central European Users Meeting, Warsaw 07-10.11.2007
Invitation for a lecture - Breast Cancer Conference - Programm in Meetings and Conferences
I invite for a lecture (in polish):
Evolution in Breast Cancer Brachytherapy
Janusz Skowronek (Poznań) 20 min.