Preliminary Program

8:30 – 08:45 am

December 6th

Opening ceremony
08:45 – 10:10 am

December 6th

Panel A
Basic science
  • Session 1. Radiobiology and tumour biology
  • Session 2. Radiation genetics and transcriptomics
  • Session 3. Microenvironment, tumour immunology and response to radiation

* speaker(s) for each session are to be selected in the form of an open competition of thematic abstracts by the 1st of December, 2024 at the latest *

10:10 – 10:40 am

December 6th

KEYNOTE LECTURE Prof. Bożena Kamińska-Kaczmarek Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
10:40 – 11:00 am

December 6th

Coffee break & time for sponsors

11:00 am – 13:00 pm

December 6th

Panel B
Translational radiobiology and clinics
  • Session 1. Biomarkers, diagnostics and nuclear medicine
  • Session 2. Radiation effect of modifiers and systematic treatment
  • Session 3. New trends in clinics

* speaker(s) for each session are to be selected in the form of an open competition of thematic abstracts by the 1st of December, 2024 at the latest *

13:00 – 14:00 pm

December 6th

Lunch & time for sponsors

14:00 – 16:00 pm

December 6th

Panel C
Physics and radiation protection
  • Session 1. Low doses and their effects
  • Session 2. Radiation protection
  • Session 3. New trends in physics

* speaker(s) for each session are to be selected in the form of an open competition of thematic abstracts by the 1st of December, 2024 at the latest *

16:00 – 17:00 pm

December 6th

Coffee break & time for sponsors

16:00 – 17:00 pm

December 6th

Jury deliberations

18:00 – 18:30 pm

December 6th

Closing ceremony & awards

2024 Greater Poland Cancer Centre